These words of wisdom from the world famous Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series surely could be confirmed by one or another sorely afflicted IT manager or system-administrator ...
... as when implementing a Microsoft® Dynamics™ NAV (Navision) / Microsoft® SQL Server™ system there also something might go wrong ...
MS Dynamics™ NAV is one of the leading ERP systems, as MS SQL Server™ is one of the most powerful database servers on the international market.
But in combination such a NAV/SQL system does not always fulfill the requirements of the customers - the middlesized companies -, especially when it's about the performance:
Too long response times, too less data-throughput or lock-/blocking problems are daily issues.
Of course, the manufacturer - Microsoft - is working to solve these problems, but actually this progresses to slow for the already affected users.
Even worse, that (too) many Dynamics Partners are overstrained with the challanges optimization of performance and system-stability (even though they don't admit that).